Why A Seat At Her Table, The Podcast

Shenea Brown, The founder of HerCollectively, LLC is sharing with her community, A Seat At HER Table. This podcast is designed with you in mind! We are celebrating individuals who are making an impact in their community, who are constantly raising the bar and showing us what success looks like one story at a time!

We are, "Curating Community through OUR Stories!"

To stay in the mix, follow us on Instagram @hercollectively, on Twitter @HCollectively.

This Podcast is Available on: Apple Podcasts, Spotify and iHeart Radio.

Get to know Jewel Williams, founder of Aura by Jewel.

Shea brings Jewel Williams, founder of Aura By Jewel to the table. Aura by Jewel is a safe space where we affirm the humanity of black women through wearable art.  Jewel believes we can change the narrative of what it means to be a strong black woman, embrace vulnerability and acknowledge that we too are human with the right to feel.

Keep up with all things Aura by Jewel on IG @aurabyjewel

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