Book Club Membership

$10.00 every month

    • Acceess to the HerCollectively HerBookClub Community Private community

    • 10% of all HerCollectively Merchandise

    • Small Bites and or Beverages to be covered for in person meetings

    • Monthly 90-minute discussions about the book of the month held virtual or in person.

    • Be the first know about upcoming HerCollectively events


    • Acceess to the HerCollectively HerBookClub Community Private community

    • 10% of all HerCollectively Merchandise

    • Small Bites and or Beverages to be covered for in person meetings

    • Monthly 90-minute discussions about the book of the month held virtual or in person.

    • Be the first know about upcoming HerCollectively events

    • Acceess to the HerCollectively HerBookClub Community Private community

    • 10% of all HerCollectively Merchandise

    • Small Bites and or Beverages to be covered for in person meetings

    • Monthly 90-minute discussions about the book of the month held virtual or in person.

    • Be the first know about upcoming HerCollectively events